
Treata Movie


I was supposed to develop this application for a company called “Treata Payesh Salamat”. This application could display the latest movies, their information and pictures. Users could also set a movie or movies as favourites to save them if they want.

Programming Language

I developed this application with the Kotlin programming language as the primary language, which was the Google developers’ suggestion.


I used the latest architecture recommended by Google for Android application development. The architecture that I used was MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel). This architecture not only helps to write code cleaner with better performance but also helps to obey the separation of concerns.

Android Concepts

I tried to use the latest and most appropriate technologies and concepts during the development of this application. Some of them are listed below list:


The main features of the application are listed in the below section:

  1. Displaying the latest published movies
  2. Displaying some information about each movie that the user select
  3. The user was allowed to set a movie or movies as favourites


From this link, you can see the whole project that I developed.

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