
Covid-19 Tracker


I developed an Android application to increase social awareness of Covid-19 and show its statistics by country. Plus, users could read the latest news regarding the World Health Organization (WHO) and their research.

Programming Language

I used Kotlin programming language to develop this application since it has more advantages than Java. Also, this language is the primary language for developing Android applications, which is Google’s recommendation nowadays.


The architecture that I used to develop this application was MVVM (Model – View – ViewModel). Google’s engineers designed this architecture to make Android applications faster and write lines of code cleaner.

Android Concepts

I tried to use the latest and most appropriate technologies and concepts during the development of this application. Some of them are listed below list:


The main features of the application are listed in the below section:

  1. Displaying Covid-19 statistics by country
  2. Show the latest WHO news.


From this link, you can see the whole project that I developed.

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